Foodonomic® Flavor

Taste- & Product-Engineering for meat-products, vegetarian and vegan products



Foodonomic® Shelf Life Engineering

The science of safe and tasteful meat-, vegetarian- and vegan- product engineering with bio based agents



Foodonomic® Hygiene Engineering.

Ingresol applies the science of food safety and hygiene with its Foodonomic® approach.



Hello & „Spice to meat you“!

Spices are treasures of nature

The magic ingredient for food products and tasteful recipes are invaluable for us humans. In our Ingresol laboratories we individualize, develop and engineer product-concepts, positioning and marketing strategies for meat products, vegetarian and vegan products. Our Foodonomic® Concept is building on centuries-old wisdom and experience, reduces the amount of spices, seasonings, optimizes shelf-life and ensures food hygiene of meat products, vegetarian and vegan food products.

Ingresol GmbH Füchselbachstrasse 7 A-4060 Leonding Austria . EU

Healthy Taste is King

A safe product offering advanced sensorics with less spices, faces new challenges from availability of spices and raw materials. Our Foodonomic® Flavor Concept for food industry, retail and blenders is unique worldwide. With our Foodonomic® Flavor recipes, we reduce the proportion of seasonings in the product up to 90%. Our concentrated sourcing strategies for herbs and spices are part of our service.

My taste is my Castle

The Foodonomic® Flavor concept provides individualized concepts for taste engineering and spice-mixes from raw spices to optimize taste, sensorics and shelf life. The individual sourcing strategy and created recipes are exclusive property of our customers.

Hygiene from Gate to Gate

Hygiene in food production comes from an integrated process including the product, machines and processes, engineered for 100% safe products.

Foodonomic® Science

Our Foodonomic® Concept is building on centuries-old wisdom and 30 ears of experience in agricultural science, nutritional science, food safety, food processing, food technology, hygiene, chemistry, physics, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry and the science of herbs and spices. For our customers products we reduce the amount of spices, seasonings, optimize shelf-life and ensure food hygiene of meat products, vegetarian and vegan food products.

From Clear Label to CLEAN Label

More product transparency INGRESOL. The development from “Clear Label” to “Clean Label” is among the most important trends in the food industry. Ingresol supports you on your way to maximum product transparency, offering you a valuable sales argument for your products.

May we share our Foodoomic® Expertise in spice-recipes, shelf-life, hygiene and food concepts with you? Set your appointment now!